(Journal Prompt)
I Remember it was a beautiful day, but a sad one. It was the day before the wedding and an elder had passed. Our father's had wanted to have the funeral before the wedding. They felt it was better this way so that everyone could feel free to Celebrate the happy event.
It seemed strange to have the funeral so late in the day, but everyone was dressed in their black suits and dresses. Those that could ride, saddled their horses. Those that couldn't, walked. We rode in a Procession of two by two. The two fathers, two mothers, and I was riding sides saddle next to my betrothed. My maiden traveled behind me next to another maiden. This pattern continued with the rest of the Attending houses.
I Remember it took longer to arrive at the family plots than the Actual funeral. After, the men gathered in conversation and the ladies were Escorted back to the estate. My Fiance asked if he shall accompany me home. I requested that I ride back with my maiden. He agreed and assisted me to my horse.
My maiden and I took a longer route home. We let the the horses graze and drink in a creek while we dangled our feet. We laughed and talked about the wedding. Realizing it was getting late, we retrieved our stockings, put on our shoes. We called the horses. They trotted our way, but seemed agitated. I grabbed the rains of my horse, readied myself to climb aboard when I heard a man's voice ask is I needed help. I turned to see him. His face so angry, so unforgiving. He rushed at me. "If I can't have you, no one will" He told me.
The pain was brief. The sound the knife made as he slid the blade across me throat rang in my ears. My maiden screamed as he ran. Her face was recked with horror. Tears streamed down her cheeks. I felt the stones bruise my knees as they hit the ground. My hands were covered in blood. No sounds came from me.
She struggle to get me on the horse, my body draped across it's back. As we topped the hill, the men were riding our way. My Fiance rode hard and fast. He pulled me to his arms, my body limp, cold. His face as Perplexed as the maiden's. My eyes still open with fear and confusion. His wells could be heard from all over.
Then I woke up.