I got a letter from you today 2/1/2024. To answer your question about the truck. About once a month some guy driving a tractor-trailer will barrel down my dead-end street only to realize that there is a gate that will prevent them from going any farther. Then they tend to back all the way up the street, blocking 4 lanes of traffic to get out. But this guy decided to try turning his truck around. He drove the front of his truck into a ditch, leaving his trailer blocking most of my street. He was able to help me get around him with an inch or two of the other ditch that was full of water. When I went to leave again another car that was wider than mine tried to do what I did but fell in the ditch. Blocking the whole fucking road. No ice, just rain and stupid.
As for Laura not knowing how to ride a bike. It wasn't for a lack of trying. When she was younger she just didn't understand that she needed to continuously peddle to keep it going. She would peddle a few times then stop. She would lose speed then fall over. To be honest we just didn't enforce it as we should have and she liked the scooter more.
As far as mom getting outed, that was me. I so told on her ass. Not that the doctors really give a shit.
So, in 1945 at the foot of a cliff along the Nile River, near the city of Nag Hammadi, an Egyptian peasant Unearthed a large storage jar containing ancient manuscripts. The discovery turned out to be one of the greatest archaeological discoveries of the past century. A treasure of 4th Century text, the manuscripts are scriptures of ancient mystical Traditions commonly called gnosticism, from the Greek gnosis, that is, secret knowledge. This discovery challenges everything we thought we knew about the early Christian Church, ancient Judaism, and Greco-Roman religion.
So, what had happened was that some monks in a nearby monastery were teaching from these texts. Well the “church” got wind of it and sent out letters to them stating that those were not the correct teachings. Demanded that they be destroyed and was sending a representative right away to see that it be done. The monks placed these texts along with the nasty grams in a jar and placed it in a tomb, sealing it up.
These texts have been translated and after many years are now available to the public. Just to name a few, the gospels of Thomas and Phillip, Revelations of James, Peter, Paul, and the Gospel of Mary and the controversial Gospel of Judas.
Now, the text that I found most interesting. On The Origin of the World. This talks about Yaldabaoth the creator of this world. Sophia aka wisdom. The adventures and Misadventures of Adam and Eve and the rest of humanity. But if you want to get into some real alien shit, we might have to get into the Emerald Tablets. Most of that's about the Annunaki, Thoth and Egyptian mysticism.
As far as the 7 year old goes, Mr. Blinky has basically decided that he doesn't want to deal with family shit. He feels like if we take him in, it would be like starting all over again. He also made it clear that if we did take him in, it would be with the intent to adopt him. “The Family” would rather him go to foster care than let us adopt. How fucked up is that?!
Well, I think I will end this letter here so that I can get it in the mail today. Till next time or you come home.